Uniting All Businesses, Enhancing Community Service, and Bridging the Gap

We The People

Enhancing Businesses and Trading Across the Nation

To form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, ensure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of ‘Liberty to ourselves and our posterity’, do ordain and establish our mission according to the constitution for the United States of America.

Thus, under the guidance of the Founders’ perception of the fundamental purposes of these guiding principles, the United People’s Action Chamber of Commerce, Inc., through its advocacy mission encourages all members to seek and secure equal opportunities in their endeavors as a steward on a national and international level representing the trade industry, toward community development initiatives, and for the safety of its citizenry.
We thank you for your membership affiliation!

Albert Burks, Jr., MBA                               Lekeeta J. Charley, MPA
Co-Chair & Chief Executive Officer      Co-Chair & Chief Alliance Officer/President

We The People

Enhancing Businesses and Trading Across the Nation

To form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, ensure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of ‘Liberty to ourselves and our posterity’, do ordain and establish our mission according to the constitution for the United States of America.

Thus, under the guidance of the Founders’ perception of the fundamental purposes of these guiding principles, the United People’s Action Chamber of Commerce, Inc., through its advocacy mission encourages all members to seek and secure equal opportunities in their endeavors as a steward on a national and international level representing the trade industry, toward community development initiatives, and for the safety of its citizenry.
We thank you for your membership affiliation!

Albert Burks, Jr., MBA
Co-Chair & Chief Executive Officer

Lekeeta J. Charley, MPA

Co-Chair & Chief Alliance Officer/President

Uniting Enterprises through UPACC's

UPACC is a progressive ‘One-Stop National HUB Chamber of Commerce,’ utilizing a membership collective centralized network of business owners, organizations, and individuals.

UPACC's primary focus is centered around four pillars of business expansion and success that includes:

1) Advocacy (Commercial and Communities)

2) Economic Development and Growth

3) Small Business development through entrepreneurship
4) Education and Training

UPACC represents the underlying strength and vitality of small, medium, and large businesses, including major manufacturers, distributors, and specialized service institutions offering wholesale, retail, imports, and exports of services and products.

UPACC collaborates and form partnerships with not-for-profit organizations, trade associations and unions, corporations, government agencies, and other chambers.

UPACC’s Hub platform is branded as the dashboard and a micro-site system that assists its members and affiliates in obtaining their vision, mission, and objective; and offers recommended resources, information, opportunities, and systematic platforms useful in trading of products, exporting and importing locally and Nationally. To provide businesses in the USA a bridge to work in tandem with their business model’ as they seek networking opportunities, general information on business development, expansion opportunities, ways to boost their recognitions, and to establish proven systems to influence their economic growth.

Joining ‘UPACC HUB’ is what differentiates small businesses with consistent or organic growth through our membership platform.


UPACC influence of public opinion and issues

UPACC's operation, opinions, and issues are not influence by any governmental entity and its actions are mandated by its membership needs, its policies, rules, regulation, and bylaws.

Our membership understand that UPACC's public policies may be based on the relationship created through its online media platform, its communication and public relations initiative, print and other electronic factors to include technical changes, lobbying, and political activities affecting their industry. The Chamber mission is governed under directives of its mission statement and the 4 pillars as listed below.

Through the collaboration of its services and committees, UPACC's lobbying processes, the addressing of consumer complaints, promotion of special events, etc., every member are required to pay dues that are used to help cover its organizational operation expenses; in addition, advocacy initiatives, etc. UPACC also reserve the rights to hold special events and promote special programs to enhance its growth and development.

UPACC 501 (c) 6 status allows it to 'LOBBY' for the best interest of its membership whether on a local, state, and national level.

As you review the various pillars, please be advised this is only  a summary of the programs offered. For additional information please send all correspondences to the following email address:

United People's Action Chamber of Commerce, Inc.

Attn: Diversity, Ethics and Inclusion Department

Email Address: upacchamber@gmail.com
Olympia Fields, IL 60461

Need more information? Call us at (800) 586-2285 to speak with one of our experts.

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