Advocacy Programs - Local and National Level


UPACC together with its affiliates will conduct due diligence of the concerns and issues to carry out the mission of all members, to effectively advocate for their concerns and interest. UPACC's advocacy program offers  assistance and consultation on a case-by-case basis in response to submitted requests made by members pursuing representation on a local and national level regarding procurements and/or other projects; and incidents affecting the safety and well-being of any individuals, businesses, and industries.

UPACC's chamber members may be mandated to report incidents, accidents, and/or negative influences which affects the growth and development of communities, businesses, associations, or individuals etc.

UPACC is motivated to work with individuals, small and large businesses, organizations, etc.,  to prevent adverse behaviors that fosters any commercial practices resulting in substandard business behavior; and actions that may be construed to be detrimental to the growth of neighborhoods and its citizenry. 

Housing, Foreclosure, and Family Displacement

According to the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) recently completed its comprehensive Annual Homelessness Assessment Report (AHAR) in two years. It found that nearly 600,000 Americans are unhoused on any given night. Illinois reported over 10,431 homeless individuals; and a quarter of the homeless were families with children living in shelters. It is also reported that historically, armed forces veterans and BIPOC individuals are more likely to experience homelessness. In addition, children and young adults on the streets before their adult lives begin are becoming victims of this issue.

National Alliance to End Homelessness reports that most minority groups, especially African Americans and indigent people experience homelessness at higher rates than whites, largely due to long standing historical and structural racism.

United People's Action Chamber of Commerce, Inc. (UPACC) offers professional assistance addressing foreclosure resulting in family displacement, evictions, homelessness, to include emergency shelter relief services, affiliation with food banks, and faith based initiatives.

The Real Fresh Start Program" 
Our mission, vision, and goals as an Independent
Hud Housing Counselor is to team up with homeowners across the country whether you live in a Judicial or Non-Judicial State we stand to fight unfairness and injustice involving an unequal representation of citizens involving the Real Estate and Home-ownership Industry.

Foreclosure is an epidemic which destroys families, and damage neighborhoods



felt our heartache, hardship and emotional stress what can you really do for me?

How the foreclosure process works:

Some states were known as judicial foreclosure states  while others were known as non-judicial foreclosure states.

Non-judicial foreclosure is a process that allows the lender to foreclose on the property without being involved in the courts.

A judicial foreclosure, the foreclosure is processed through the court system, which means there will be judicial oversight of the process, additional costs involved, and sometimes a longer period of time to get the job done. This process can take a minimum of 6 months, the standard time frame is 12 months, or it can take several years before any eviction can occur. For information regarding your specific state, please conduct a google search to identify whether or not your state is Judicial or Non-Judicial as it pertains to foreclosures.

We have years of combined experience assisting homeowners with loss mitigation such as modification, forbearance, foreclosures, and probation. We advocate to ensure all homeowners have a counselor assisting and representing them as they stand up to banks, mortgages and real estate, agencies, etc.

Our Goal
Education and representation, as we endure this fight together.

As “The Real Fresh Start” program working independently as a Hud Housing Counselor we strive to help homeowners by assisting them with the hardship of dealing with the financial institutions on all levels of concern with the housing market.

One question every homeowner has is “WHO IS THE SECURE PARTY OF MY LOAN”?
This is a major question that a independent housing counselor must address as a pre-requisite to conduct research to identify solutions to your foreclosure concerns.

A Hud counselor must be fully engaged with loss mitigation and or mediation to stay in full contact with both the mortgage lenders and their attorneys (if applicable).

Loss Mitigation:
Consist of “Modification, Forbearance, Short-Sale, Deed in Lieu of Foreclosure, and possible loan forgiveness”.

Once foreclosure is initiated after 120-days or longer of miss mortgage payments, as a Hud Counselor of "The Real Fresh Start" program, our job is to prevent the foreclosure to progress to the next stage. Whereas, during this stage, we will assist all homeowners with any research necessary to have the foreclosure dismissed.

Disclaimer: Under the "Real Fresh Start" program, our intent is to provide general guidance for a better understanding of our business processes and procedures. Through the "Real Fresh Start" program, our representatives, officers, agents, authors, editors, publishers and affiliates are not engaged in rendering legal, accountants, or other professional services. While every effort has been made, please be advised that our practice, guidance, and assistance is for general purposes and not to provide any legal advice.

For further assistance, please contact:
Sonya Davis

Chairman & Chief Executive Officer
HUD Housing Counselor
The Real Fresh Start Program

Email Address:

Direct Phone Number: (708) 362-3687

Community Advocacy Program

'Coalition Against Children & Senior Abuse'
Local and National Level Support Initiatives

“UPACC's Empowerment and Reporting Program” 

United People's Action Chamber of Commerce, Inc. (UPACC) community advocacy programs support children and elders through a mandatory reporting platform  initiative, whereas to encourage and enhance our children’s safety and the protection of our senior against elderly abuse, neglect and domestic violence.






ELDERLY ABUSE - A silent problem that robs the elders of their respect, dignity, security, and in some case their lives!

UPACC's  mandatory reporting platform accomplish all U.S. States. Elder abuse is reported to includes physical, emotional, sexual, exploitation, neglect, and abandonment.

Who are the perpetrators? Children and other family members, spouses, as well as staff members of nursing homes, assisted living, and other care providers.

It is reported that up to 5 million older Americans are abused every year, and the annual loss is estimated to be at least $36.5 billions.

What constitute elder Abuse?

Physical: inflicting physical pain or injury upon an older adult.
Sexual Abuse: Touching, fondling, intercourse, or any other sexual activity with an older adult, when the older adult is unable to understand, unwilling to consent, threatened or physically forced.

To file a report suspected abuse, exploitations or neglect of an older individual please call Illinois statewide, 24-hour Adult Protective Services Hotline:  1-866-800-1409.

To file a report in the State of Iowa, please call
(800) 362-2178


Diversity, Equity, And Inclusion

United People's Action Chamber of Commerce, Inc. (UPACC) is a not-for-profit 501 (c) 6 advocacy organization representing the Black and other minority Business Owners and the Community they service. The Chamber’s framework and discipline are geared toward the elevation of black owned businesses, advocate for their development; work with governmental agencies; and promoting the growth and development of the neighborhood they service. 

The Chamber’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion conducted research which revealed there are several concerns the Chamber’s mission must focus and work on with assistance of our community leaders and elected officials. 

While working with our dedicated leaders , our first and foremost responsibility is to be an advocate for our members both residential and commerce, to address issues of their concerns to the prosper authority; whereas to maintain the protection of our member’s constitutional rights; and for benefits necessary for the success of the Chamber’s business model.

The Chamber as an advocacy organization, it is our mission to identify and provide assistance  to Black and other minority businesses, its men, women, and children in an effort from them becoming extinct through imprisonment; homelessness, or displaced due to discrimination, or  victims of redlining tactics due to the color of their skin or ethnicity, origin, gender, religion, and others.

The Chamber’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion efforts along with its community outreach committee will advocate for justice and prevention of discriminatory practices within the community workplace, by law enforcements, public figures failure to serve, victims or violence.

An increase in criminal activities has resulted in the increase of  abandon building around businesses and in neighborhood across the country. The Chamber shall work with the city and residents to  hold the owner(s) responsible when criminal activities is conducted on their abandon property or within their property.

Whereas an abandon building is used to mask a crime or as a catalyst to a crime, or is displayed due to its unsafe nature as a habitat for crime or injuries; whereas unsafe for passing women or children living in closure proximity to a run down building will be considered a  nuisance of the community as defined under the Abandon Housing Rehabilitation Act (310) ILCS50/2 ...  and the  Illinois Nuisance Law but cities and states laws may different. (This identification is not limited to Illinois communities). “The interference with the interest in the private use and enjoyment of the land and does not require interference with possession” (See Flood Litigation, 176 ILL.2d at 204) or any property which because of its physical condition or use is a public nuisance, or any property which constitutes a blight on the surrounding area, or any property which is not fit for human habitation under the applicable fire, building and housing code.  Whereas any illegal activities involving controlled substances.

This is for general information only and the United People's Action Chamber of Commerce, Inc. (UPACC) officers, owners, agents, representatives, members, but not limited to these are not attorney nor practice law in any capacity, we strongly suggest you consultant with your attorney reference the general information provided) which could foster crime among the black race and affects the safety of our children living in the neighborhood.

Consumer Rights Advocacy

Coming Soon

Consumer Complaints

Do you have a concern or a complaint about a matter in our area? If so, please share some information with us so that we can reach out to you in hopes of resolving the issue. This could be with a particular company, neighborhood issue, etc.

Please fill out the form below so that we can follow up on this matter.

Thank you!

File A Complaint

Join UPACC Today!

For additional information please call:

(800) 586-2285

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